After a long time, I got something to write. This is not the time to give gyan but this has come in mind and thought to express it.
Past few days, I have been questioning myself- lots of questions and trying to find the answer. One question is really haunting me and has not got any answer yet- what is the purpose of life?
Some people will say he/she wants to be a doctor- ok fine enough. But what is your purpose? Becoming doctor is the goal in your life, but it is not the purpose of your life. If you say I want to earn money after practicing, well, if it is the purpose of your life then only God can save our world. Earning money can’t be the purpose of anyone’s life. Yes, money is required to run the life for food, home, education, charity, but it can’t be your purpose, if it is your purpose then it is the time to retrospect.