Monday, 29 May 2017

What is the purpose of your life?

After a long time, I got something to write. This is not the time to give gyan but this has come in mind and thought to express it.

Past few days, I have been questioning myself- lots of questions and trying to find the answer. One question is really haunting me and has not got any answer yet- what is the purpose of life?

Some people will say he/she wants to be a doctor- ok fine enough. But what is your purpose? Becoming doctor is the goal in your life, but it is not the purpose of your life. If you say I want to earn money after practicing, well, if it is the purpose of your life then only God can save our world. Earning money can’t be the purpose of anyone’s life. Yes, money is required to run the life for food, home, education, charity, but it can’t be your purpose, if it is your purpose then it is the time to retrospect.

A doctor’s purpose can be serving towards ailing people, improving the healthcare system, discovering new medicine, educating the society to lead a healthy lifestyle and constant improvement of their skills. Same thing applies to the engineers, accountants, industrialists and politicians.

The world is going without purpose, all are running behind money, after some time they got frustrated then some going to the rehab, some suicides, whereas few lucky champs find the right path and start a new life. Some people finds their purpose of their life after reading to Auroville where you are serving for your society. Anything you build there nothing is yours, not the house you build or innovating a machine, here everything you do for the society, but you will have the pleasure of building, discovering or innovation endlessly.

Auroville was established by Mirra Alfassa, known to her followers as The Mother. She wanted to build a city which would belong to
nobody and where people would quest for divine consciousness. Here, I want to say few things on Mother although it will look like I am diverting from the topic. Mother, Mirra Alfassa was born in Paris on 21 February 1878. Her spiritual life began at the age of 5 years. She was excellent in mathematics, paintings, and music. She was different from others, here I want to tell one incident happened with her in Algeria when she was practicing occultism under a Theon. She was meditating under a tree in a desert. She was deep in her meditation, suddenly felt awkward and woke up. She saw a desert cobra, probably Egyptian cobra, swinging her head and anytime she would strike. Her legs were stretched and the snake was in a narrow distance from her legs. She understood in that time if she moves then it will be the end of her life. She felt it is better to set up an eye contact with the cobra and use the mediation power to overpower the snake. She stared straight at the snake’s eyes and put her mental power, putting more and more power. After some time, the snake was unable to tolerate the glare of her eyes and succumb to her power. It put down her hood and gently moved from that place. The mother told everything to Theon, he told that’s her nest under that tree and you probably blocked the hole of her nest. Then told that today you have acquired the power to hypnotize any animal of the world.

Why I told this story because I wanted to tell that all the things to be acquired in this world from power to love. Nothing is free in this world. Ooo… oo.. ohhhoo… that’s fine but what is the purpose if our life. Frankly speaking, I feel that it is different from person to person. If you love to do painting… just do it; if you love playing football… please go ahead… but if you want to do all because to earn some money then I will say to just fuck off. Money can earn you living but can’t give you joy, an extreme happiness of achievement, no it can’t give. But achieving something was not so easy so, SrimadBhagavad Gita told “Karmanye vadhikaraste Ma Phaleshu Kadachana” means do your work but don’t think about the result just do your work; that say was to prevent people from setting up the result first then having it but to doing your work but not thinking about the conclusion. This was the best example to put people’s head up from the pressure or from the fear of failure (When there is no pressure of the result and no fear of the result, the person can do his work nicely).

Please love your work, don’t think about money, enjoy your work and please.. please don’t think to harm anyone. Nelson Mandela told once that Forgiveness is the most powerful tool because it liberates the soul, remove the fear. Please enjoy the company of the people, love everyone in this world and love the nature and enjoy the world.

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